Time and tide

I have always been fascinated by science and physics, so much so that I still study it now at the age of 52.Once it was thought that time was absolute and that it flowed in the same way for everyone, but with the advent of Einstein's general relative it was understood that this was not the case. Time flows in different ways for a stationary observer and for an observer who moves and we would never have thought that there would be someone who would grab Newton by the ears and say "look, you're wrong".In the macroscopic world, that is, the life that we commonly know, the law of cause and effect has never been violated. If I have been the cause of this, the glass has never been seen breaking and then me throwing it to the ground... in other words.It seems that time goes in only one direction but in the world of the infinitely small in quantum mechanics things change a lot there are different laws to govern the things that happen and the probabilistic function dictates the law therefore nature is not deterministic but yes it involves a probabilistic way so we are not able to predict the future.But there is another thing that I have noticed on a macroscopic level and that is the bond that mother and children have seems to be of a probabilistic nature and not determined by the cause-effect function... but let me explain better...If I am the cause of an illness, the effect I expect is that of an illness to the person who causes it. However, something different occurs between mother and child. The cause has no effect on the mother and if the child does not want to go to school, the mother she wakes him up and then prepares him a nice breakfast saying..My love, come, it's ready If the son responded badly to his mother in my day the effect of this thing would have completely blackened my face with bruises but it seems that physics is changing because after an hour or so the mother calls her my love, shall we go shopping? And as if nothing were the cause of an illness that no longer affects the mother.;If all day and trust me because I saw a beautiful documentary about the family on Netflix the son treats his mother badly at the end of the evening the mother wishes him goodnight as if nothing had happened and I seem to understand that even on a macroscopic level something happens probabilistic action and the principle of cause and effect loses meanin I think that this effect is called maternal love and that no scientist is able to explain and determine the causes of this probabilistic action because I was left with the fact that if I did something strange at home my father would look at the Palestinian who was above the cross in the room and told him...get down!!!! And he put me on the cross...but times change physics too and like when Newton said that time is absolute he was wrong and now that we know how things are and that time is relative to observation I think that love between mother and child is absolute and is not influenced by anything or anyone in every observer's point of view even if you look at it from the dark side of the moon.


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