
Chi è John Igunma

John e un artista Nigeriano. E nato a Benin city, cuore dell'art Nigeriana Le sue origini risalgono agli Igun,antiche famiglie che lavorano il bronzo. John ha ereditato la passione di creare opere d'arte: pittore, sculture, affreschi murali Dopo il Diploma in Economia ha girato in vari centri della Nigeria, esponendo i suoi lavori con successo Nel 2002 ha esposto alcune opere presso l'ambasciata Americana di Lagos. Dal 2008 vive in Italia è si e stabilito a Biella,Piemonte. Nel suo tempo libero continua nel suo impegno creativo,effettuando mostre in vari posti del Biellese.

John Igunma's Art works


Time and tide

I have always been fascinated by science and physics, so much so that I still study it now at the age of 52.Once it was thought that time was absolute and that it flowed in the same way for everyone, but with the advent of Einstein's general relative it was understood that this was not the case. Time flows in different ways for a stationary observer and for an observer who moves and we would never have thought that there would be someone who would grab Newton by the ears and say "look, you're wrong".In the macroscopic world, that is, the life that we commonly know, the law of cause and effect has never been violated. If I have been the cause of this, the glass has never been seen breaking and then me throwing it to the ground... in other words.It seems that time goes in only one direction but in the world of the infinitely small in quantum mechanics things change a lot there are different laws to govern the things that happen and the probabilistic function dictates th

Tilapia swallow wale

 The saga of a Tilapia swallowing a whale, which is the true story of Access Bank acquiring the Intercontinental Bank has been in the public domain since 2012. It is therefore never hidden at any time.  I had a hard time contemplating posting that article by NAIRALAND because of our emotional and sentimental environment.  Wigwe and his co-travelers in the house of scam called Access Bank did business, took advantage of the loose system, and became rich. It is in order for our environment that is a cesspit of corruption.  Let us ask some critical questions:  1. During Soludo and Sanusi tenures as CBN governors, merger and acquisitions in the banking industry were forced because some of the third tier banks were collapsing. Capitalize or be acquired by the strong ones; From what emerged, Access Bank management approached Intercontinental for a loan to remain afloat and recapitalize.  Some of the executives of Access Bank also took personal loans to enhance their position in the bank. Ent